Rest Is The Best For Productivity And Wellness
When you overwork yourself, you are likely to suffer physically and mentally. Besides your health, your work bears the negative impact too. It is true that many of us keep pushing the gas pedal even when we run out of gas. This leads to a blind state of exhaustion. Hence, the cruciality of rest. Rest helps us restore our bodies and minds, increasing our ability to focus on our work better.
We must know that rest and work go hand in hand; they are not enemies but partners. This is where deliberate rest comes in, which helps us solve a challenging problem that we need to cram as much work as we can in a few hours. Deliberate rest allows us to take much-needed rest while utilizing that time away to build new skills and connections, fostering growth.
What Is Deliberate Rest?
Deliberate rest has evolved from “deliberate practice,” which is a specific type of systematic and purposeful practice. It is a way to challenge yourself while learning or practicing skills continually.
In more precise words, deliberate rest does not mean you take a break to have lazy Netflix-filled days. Instead, it means you engage in relaxing yet mentally engaging and rejuvenating activities, improving your cognition and productivity.
Benefits of Deliberate Rest:
- Brings organized structure to your life.
- Brings calmness into your life. Increases your physical and mental energy.
- Boosts your confidence. Improves emotional engagement and intelligence.
- Gives you more time as you make firm and clear boundaries.
- Helps you reach your full potential.
- Enhances your memory.
- Destresses your mind.
How To Practice Deliberate Rest:
- Prioritize self-care.
- Prioritize your rest.
- Establish a consistent morning routine.
- Spend a maximum of 4-5 hours doing vigorous work per day.
- Take regular naps.
- Set firm boundaries between your work and rest.
- Exercise regularly.
- Go for regular walks.
- Get a good night’s sleep daily.
- Learn new skills.
- Go on an adventure.
- Invest yourself in the hobbies you love and enjoy.
These are a couple of things to avoid during periods of deliberate rest that might impact the benefits. One thing is being reachable all the time and you should take a break from social engagement. If you respond to messages, emails, and requests, chances are you will be giving up your resting time.
Another possible issue is not focusing on non-urgent tasks. If you avoid the significant yet non-urgent tasks, including learning new skills, engaging with your peers, completing side projects, etc., it beats the whole purpose of deliberate rest.
You should also consider taking the backseat by not connecting with people. During deliberate, it is crucial to communicate with people you want to connect with as it will provide a cognitive boost. Remember, the better you rest, the better your personal performance will be.